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Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Hi Friends,

I wanted to show you how my Practice Sheets look like, so you can try it, and see how effective you can improve your drawing skills with it.

So the idea behind the practice sheet is to use tracing to build your confidence in controlling the motion of your hands while drawing.

Grab your favorite pen and draw over my grey lines. You might remember when we all learned to write, and there were exercises to draw over letters to learn them. We use the same method, in a more advanced and complex level.

You can either print the sheet, or import it into any drawing app and work on it digitally.

After you have traced the first grey image, you can move on to the next image and draw your own version of outlines.

Isn't it a fun and easy way to learn to draw?

If you are interested in getting more of this goodness, join my Patreon Sketch Club, and you get access to more than 20 Practice Sheets, and many more materials:

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